educational adj. 教育(上)的;有关教育的。 the educational course 学历。 an educational worker 教育工作者。 an educational film 教育影片。 educational expenses 教育费。 an educational undertaking 教育事业。 adv. -ly 教育上,用教育方式。 -(al)ist n. 〔英国〕 1.教师。 2.教育学家。
statistics n. 1.统计学,统计法〔用作单数〕。 2.统计数字[资料],统计表〔用作复数〕。 Government statisticsindicate that prices have gone down. 政府统计指出物价已经下降。 You may consult the statistics on population issued by the government. 你可以查一查政府发表的人口统计。 the vital statistics (出生、结婚、死亡等)人口动态统计。 collect [take] statistics 进行统计。
Analysis on application of spss software in physical educational statistics 软件在物理教育统计中的应用
The second chapter discusses the methods for statistics and analysis of test results from the point of view of educational statistics and measurement . it includes the application of mathematical statistics methods and the summarization of education measurement targets of test quality analysis , and also the concepts , features , methods and correlation of difficulty , discrimination , reliability and validity are discussed . at the end of this chapter , some typical theories are introduced in brief 第二章从教育统计和教育测量的角度出发,从理论上探讨了考试结果统计分析的方法,包括常用的数理统计方法的应用,归纳总结考试质量分析的教育测量学指标:难度、区分度、信度、效度,论述了四度分析的概念、特点、方法和相互关系,并对目前常用的测量理论进行了简要介绍。
Some advice about quality education reform on mathematics school work . according to above discussion , a synthetic evaluation form that can reflect the goal of mathematics quality education is set up , in experimental research part , it gains a series of experimental data by one - term teaching experiments . using many kinds of methods of educational statistics , it analyzes the effects of synthetic evaluation plan is effective on improving the students comprehensive quality 实验研究部分主要根据理论研究提出的评价方案及具体测评方法,通过一个学期的教学实践获得了前、后测试的一系列数据,运用教育统计方法分析了该评价方案对学生综合素质提高的实际效果并得出了以下结论: ( 1 )通过该综合评价方案,很好地促进了学生知识、技能、情感领域的全面发展。
Combining scientific research methods with personal experiences , absorbing the research achievement of experts from home and abroad , using the experience and theory of western countries for reference , this paper analyzes the problem in the affective intercourse between teacher and student in the classroom chemistry teaching and give some suggestions to improve the efficiency of chemical teaching efforts are made to render it initial or progressive in the following aspects : ( 1 ) this paper tries to analyze the characters and principals of the affective intercourse between teacher and student in chemical teaching , the demands on teachers , and gives the new way to research on it . ( 2 ) by experimental research , this paper proposes the tactics and concrete methods of the affective intercourse between teacher and student in the classroom chemistry teaching . ( 3 ) i initiatively apply experimental research in chemical teaching , use many kinds of educational statistics and reveal the importance of the emotional communication in chemical teaching to the development of students 本文在结合自身工作实践的基础上,吸收了国内外专家学者的研究成果,分析了目前化学课堂教学中情感交流方面存在的问题,并研究提出了相应的对策,力求在以下几个方面有所创新和发展: ( 1 )系统地探讨了化学课堂教学中师生情感交流的特点、原则和对教师的要求,为化学学科情感交流的深入研究提出了新的思路。 ( 2 )通过对课堂实施情感交流的实验研究,提出了化学课堂情感交流的策略和具体方法,为如何开展课堂情感交流实践研究提出了新的途径。 ( 3 )开创性地把情感交流的实验研究引入课堂,并利用教育统计的方法进行定量分析,得出了课堂实施情感交流对学生学习效率和自身发展的积极影响。